Divine government means government by God and according to what God is

Living Stream Ministry Podcast ::

Deuteronomy includes a lengthy portion where God through Moses is instituting His divine government among His people Israel. Divine government means government by God and according to what God is. This is called Theocracy. It is neither Democracy (a government according to the opinions of the people) nor is it autocracy (which is government by a dictator or a monarchy).

Many people may be apprehensive about this term because throughout history it has often been misapplied. But according to the Old Testament picture, there IS a genuine theocracy. Maybe not among earthly nations, but certainly among God’s people. A Theocracy that reflects the person of God. The God of love, and of righteousness, and holiness and absolute fairness and justice. We want to keep this view of God. The God who knows man and man’s condition and what he needs to be preserved for His eternal purpose.

Living Stream Ministry

Author: J5

I'm Jonathan 'J5' Harris, a web professional living in ATL, GA. In my free time, I jump head-first into web development, email marketing, & drum-n-bass music!

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